Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 2: Snapchat, Grilled Cheese, and DomainTools!


Hey all!

What a terrific first full day of the trip, filled with knowledgeable advice from some very interesting individuals!

The day began by visiting Macrina Bakery just a few doors down for a Roly-Poly for breakfast.
Then, we rendezvoused with the group and walked a few blocks to a Snapchat location, where we met John Rauser, who sat with us to share his experiences, opinions, and advice regarding finding a career path after graduation. He shared some logistics and systems that he enjoyed about his past experiences with a hedge fund, Amazon, Pinterest, and now with Snapchat. He was very gave some interesting advice related to mistakes, decision making, and finding what you love to do.

I then went to Dahlia Bakery for the most amazing grilled cheese of my life!

Next, we walked to DomainTools, a much smaller company of about 70 people, where many people (including Tim, the CEO!) visited with us and told stories about their journey to DomainTools. We also got a full tour of their secure, yet very fun and interesting workplace! I loved their ping pong competition, full kitchen, and writing on the wall!

What a full day! About to go to dinner then taking a swim before bed. Will share more tomorrow!

Erik Nelson

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